Paraveterinary vacancies
Do you want to work as a paraveterinarian? Would you like to use your skills and knowledge in the veterinary sector, while continuing to develop yourself? Whether it concerns your first job or your further search in your career, at AniCura you will find many veterinary vacancies, and we are happy to help you find work that suits you! Don't see a vacancy for you? Then go to:
Here you will find vacancies for paraveterinarians for both primary veterinary clinics and secondary care and referral clinics.
Want to read more about working at AniCura? Go to:

Develop yourself as a paraveterinarian
Would you like to develop yourself? Whether you are very experienced or just starting out as a paraveterinarian, we find development very important at AniCura. Just like your colleagues, you will continue to train yourself. Read more at: AniCura Quality. View our great paraveterinary and veterinary assistant vacancies on this page.

Vacancies with good conditions
At AniCura you can work under good employment conditions, where you can use your knowledge and skills and further develop yourself. We also always work with clear development goals, where we work in consultation with you towards the highest possible quality and most pleasant working conditions.
Is there no vacancy for you? Please register via the Connect button so that we can contact you.